Carel Willink


Carel Willink (1900-1983)
A fascinating portrait of the cat Ploe, drawn by Carel Willink. This highly detailed drawing can be found at the Cat Cabinet. A close inspection will reveal an inscription at the bottom left: “For George”.

In 1919 Willink decided to become an artist, after a short while studying Architecture at the Technische Hogeschool in Delft. First he studied in Berlin, at the Staatliche Hochschule, and later at the international painting school of Hans Baluschek. In this period he made expressionist and abstract work, and made watercolors and collages. He was inspired by his travels through many lands, and incorporated these landscapes and classic images into his works.

In 1980 he was made officer in the Order of Oranje Nassau, and was also made a member of the Institut de France. In addition, five of his works were shown as part of the large international exposition “Les Réalismes” in the Centre Georges Pompidou. Willink exhibited in many museums, including the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Boymans van Beuningen Rotterdam, Stedelijk Van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven and the Gemeentemuseum Arnhem.
